Classic Tour of Rome in Rome
Цена на человека от 783 €

Classic Tour of Rome in Rome

783 €
Цена на человека
783 €
цена на человека


Rome, capital of Italy, is a great cosmopolitan city with an artistic, architectural and cultural history that has influenced the whole world and that dates back almost 3000 years. The ancient ruins such as the Forum and the Colosseum testify to the power of the ancient Roman Empire. In the Vatican City, home to the Catholic Church, there are the Basilica of San Pietro and the Vatican Museums, which house masterpieces such as the Sistine Chapel frescoed by Michelangelo.



Увеличить карту
День 1: Рим
День 2: Рим
День 3: Рим
День 4: Рим
  • Sistemazione in hotel 3/4* con inclusa la prima colazione
  • Assicurazione medico bagaglio
  • Tour del Vaticano e della Cappella Sistina con accesso alla Basilica di San Pietro
  • Visita del Colosseo, Foro Romano e Palatino con biglietto prioritario salta fila
  • Biglietti d'ingresso salta fila e un'audioguida opzionale alla Galleria Borghese

  • Tutto ciò che non è compreso nella voce "incluso"

Возможные варианты размещения

1 жилье

On request

  • Single and triple room on request
  • Reduction or surcharge for hotels of lower or higher category on request
  • Price for children on request